My Big Sister

My big sister is a fighter.  And I don’t say this because we fought quite a bit when we were children.  I mean, we did, as any siblings do, but it was worse because she was seven years older than I was, and much better at it.  She had clever put-downs, while I cried big heaving sobs and called her a baby.  But I was six…what else was I going to say?  She was my big sister, and I loved her, and I looked up to her, and I thought she and her friends were the coolest thing since ice was invented, and I couldn’t find anything else bad to say about her.  So yes, we fought, but that’s not my point.

No, I say that she is a fighter because she just turned 41 and has already beaten breast cancer twice.  In the last seven years she has been through more surgeries than I can count on both hands, all while being a great wife, homeschooling and raising her two sweet little girls, and volunteering heavily at her church for whatever they need her to do.  She has been upbeat and confident and optimistic about beating the enemy we call cancer, even as the rest of us were devastated and afraid and worried about her.  She has not been afraid to cry when she needed to cry, to laugh through the pain, or to give us a hug when we were upset about her diagnosis.  She looks just as beautiful without hair as she does with hair, and she has taken each rough change that this cancer brings to her body in stride.  She is nothing short of amazing.

Yesterday, my sister (I’ll call her Lulu), after being what we thought was cancer-free for about 2 years, was diagnosed with it again.  Except this time it’s not breast cancer…it’s something even scarier and harder to deal with.  The cancer has spread.  And today, she starts chemo.  Again.  She says she’s ready for it.  She says she’s up for the fight.  While maybe not upbeat, she is optimistic and full of strength.  But let me be clear….this sucks.

It’s amazing to me how life changes in a heartbeat.  Three weeks ago, Lulu and I were walking along a path in the woods with our families, enjoying a camping trip we took together and laughing about the crazy things our kids do.  We were pedal-boating on the lake and admiring the frogs our kids caught.  Things were normal.  Three weeks from now, she will be losing her hair and fighting for her life.  Again.

And life around us goes on.  I still need to go to work.  Her young daughters, age 9 and 11, still need to be schooled.  The house still needs to be cleaned.  Dinner still needs to be cooked.  People will ask me how she is and I will need to be able to answer them without losing it.  Life goes on.  And truthfully, I guess it should.  After all, what would we do without the stuff of life?  We would sit around all day and think about the worst possible scenarios.  We would mourn before it’s time to mourn.  We would panic before it’s time to panic.  We would forget to live while we still have time to live.  Life going on is what life is all about.

Lulu will make it through this.  She told me this morning…she’s not going anywhere.  And I believe her.  She’s not going anywhere.  And I hope she knows that I will be right there next to her with my fists up, fighting alongside her the whole time.  After all, that’s what sisters are for.


  1. David said,

    September 18, 2008 at 3:11 pm

    My wife beat Leukemia (blood cancer) 4 times. Finally they gave up on chemo as she had enough for an army. They did a full stem cell transplant and gave replaced all of hers with her brothers around 18 months ago.
    3 days ago after she had some breast lumps aspirated and looked at, they told her the lumps were actually leukemia cells.
    It’s back.
    She went in yesterday for more chemo.
    Like your sister, Janet is young and vibrant. She will prevail.

  2. Mrs. Kitty said,

    September 18, 2008 at 3:21 pm

    Oh honey….. this was such a sweet tribute your your big sister. It baffles me sometimes why some people have to fight and keep fighting big battles, and why some people never have to fight at all. Her glorious optimism is essential to her survival. I’ll pray that she keeps her strength and hope and for you to be strong for her. God Bless.

  3. Jaina said,

    September 18, 2008 at 7:18 pm

    That’s really scary, but she is lucky to have such a wonderful family and such a strong determination. I will keep all of you in my prayers. My friend B just ran a triathlon with Team in Training and raised $4,500 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. If she hasn’t already, she might check out the Frosted Pink organization. I just did a performance with them (backup for Carole King). They promote women’s cancer awareness, they’re a really neat group. The show airs on October 12 on ABC, if you’re interested.
    I hope you keep us updated as she wins this battle. She will be in my prayers.

  4. September 18, 2008 at 9:19 pm

    Oh I am so very sorry that your sister is facing the battle again! I’ll keep her in my prayers. She sounds like a remarkable woman!

    You’re right that life goes on….Sounds like you have the right attitude. Even now, with my son 2 years off treatment for kidney cancer I sometimes allow the “what ifs” to steal precious moments from me. The what ifs can drive you crazy. You really do need to live in the moment and embrace life for all it’s worth- without worrying about tomorrow. Easier said than done sometimes, but it’s encouraging that your sis seems to see things from that positive perspective.

  5. Sarea said,

    September 19, 2008 at 10:13 am

    I am so being a prayer warrior in Lulu’s army!!! I loved your post and how you put your feelings into words! I can’t even imagine her doing ANYTHING but fight and keep a positive attitude, especially with the family support system she has in place!! Hugs!!

  6. Maria said,

    September 19, 2008 at 12:56 pm

    She’s in my thoughts. I’m so sorry that you all are going through this.

  7. SC said,

    September 19, 2008 at 3:19 pm

    Hey, it’s me. I want to help when and if I can in whatever way I can. So please keep me posted. Call whenever. XO Stay strong…and tell Lulu we are praying for her!!!!


  8. jennatjugglinglife said,

    September 20, 2008 at 1:29 am

    I’m so sorry to hear this news. I’ll be thinking the best thoughts for all of you.

  9. mcgearstella said,

    September 20, 2008 at 10:02 pm

    This does suck. It sucks on every single level and emotion and I am so sorry that you’re going through it.

    Your sister sounds incredible. She clearly has a fabulous sister there to support her and be there with her.

    She will prevail. She will beat this. This will be her finest moment yet!!

    She is in my thoughts and prayers and so are you!!!

  10. April said,

    September 21, 2008 at 8:51 pm

    My best wishes for your sister. She sounds amazing and most definitely strong enough to make it through this as well.

  11. LaskiGal said,

    September 22, 2008 at 1:37 am

    I can’t even imagine . . . but she sure does sound like a fighter. And you, you are one heck of a sister.

    I’m glad she has you.

    Big huge prayers out your way.

  12. LunaNik said,

    September 24, 2008 at 3:21 pm

    Oh Bunchy, how terrible. Even though your sister, Lulu, is such a strong person, such a fighter, such a survivor, it is still scary. I’m sorry you and your family have to fight this fight yet again. Please know that she will be in my thoughts and that I will be sending oodles and oodles of healing and healthy vibes.

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